Welcome Aboard, Let’s Set Sail!
Premier Mobile, Virtual and Traditional Office Visits

Anchor has fully returned to the office for in-person and telehealth services. EMDR services are now available. Feel free to ask for more information about this life-changing intervention.
Anchor Counseling and Consulting provides premier therapy support in the home, school, community and office. It’s as simple as you picking the location and us providing the supportive tools to anchor the way.

Taking away the barriers to counseling and professional growth by steering our way to you.
Our Services
Individual Counseling
Anchor specializes in counseling services for all ages. See, you’re never too young or old to figure this thing called “life” out. Anchor welcomes school age children and adolescents, college students and adults. Whether, you’re facing depression, anxiety, trauma, ADHD, mood instability, grief, LGBTQ/gender acceptance, infidelity, work overload, and/or adjusting to situational changes, there’s “no time like the right time” to seek help.
Family Counseling
Without family, there would be no Anchor. Let Anchor help you and your family come to a place of peace, understanding, compromise, forgiveness and acceptance. Anchor welcomes all types of family units from traditional to foster/adoption, single, step and extended.
Crisis Counseling
There’s no worse feeling than experiencing a crisis at 4:59 pm, as if we only encounter them during “normal” business hours. Anchor is committed to working outside of the “norm” in real time. Services are available 24/7 and may require additional healthcare supports to ensure safety. If experiencing any life threatening symptoms, immediately call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.
Premarital & Couples Counseling
Marriage and relationships can be beautiful, complicated and down right hard. Period. There’s no fancy way to put it. Invite Anchor into your relationship and allow the rough seas to be calmed. Shore is straight ahead. You don’t have to stay out to sea alone.
Boardwalk Parenting
You can read all the books in the world, listen to a million podcasts and attend countless parenting classes and still get stuck out at sea grasping for a life saver. You’re not alone. Anchor’s hands-on observation and intervention allows for the active use of old-school and new-school parenting.
Looking to take your business or school to the next level? Anchor up and lean on our expertise in program, leadership and clinical development, classroom/behavioral management, crisis response and school-wide culture and climate. Give yourself and your leadership team a break. Resource out some of your business and school needs. There’s only one of you! Devote your time and energy to clients and students.

Ahoy, welcome to Anchor Counseling and Consulting where we have mobilized counseling outside of the four walls of an office. Mobile professional, customized counseling services performed in the natural environment offers the convenience, accessibility and affordability of traditional services on your terms. Traditional office and telehealth visits available as well.